الخميس، 20 أكتوبر 2016


The flying witch - Admob

Blogg بتاريخ عدد التعليقات : 0

The flying witch - Admob

The player must avoid the castle, trees and thunderstorm by flying them located in the gap to get the highest possible score. Easy Eclipse editable code can be skinned completely within 3 mins and ready to upload.We have integrated admob ads but if you want other ads such as chartboost, leadbolt,applovin etc than please contact us to get your custom source code.You can also change the flying speed , trail and other game’s physics easily.

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تقييمات المشاركة : The flying witch - Admob 9 على 10 مرتكز على 10 ratings. 9 تقييمات القراء.

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