Avoid the Spikes is an Android Arcade game template. It was inspired by ‘Don’t Touch The Spikes’ and ‘Bird Climb’ but its totally different from both! The aim of the player is to help the bird move up, while avoiding the spikes/obstacles. The code is written in java, using Android Studio. A video tutorial is included which, goes through customization.
الخميس، 20 أكتوبر 2016
Avoid the Spikes - Android Arcade Game
Avoid the Spikes is an Android Arcade game template. It was inspired by ‘Don’t Touch The Spikes’ and ‘Bird Climb’ but its totally different from both! The aim of the player is to help the bird move up, while avoiding the spikes/obstacles. The code is written in java, using Android Studio. A video tutorial is included which, goes through customization.
شارك هذا الموضوع :
![Avoid the Spikes - Android Arcade Game no image](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-44trijSlV2Y/UgU0J6RU87I/AAAAAAAAASU/Nppm2hzUboU/s1600/no_image.jpg)
- عنوان الموضوع : Avoid the Spikes - Android Arcade Game
- الكاتب : Blogg
- من قسم : كودات تطبيقات
التقييم : 100% مرتكز على 10 تقييمات. 5 تقييمات القراء.
تقييمات المشاركة : Avoid the Spikes - Android Arcade Game
9 على 10 مرتكز على 10 ratings. 9 تقييمات القراء.
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